Monday, March 20, 2017

3/20/17--❄️❄️Blizzard But Not Really ❄️❄️

Well what a week. If you can tell by the title we had a little bit of snow this week. To be honest when I cam back I had hoped I had missed all of the snow and wouldn't have to deal with it. On the other hand God had a different plan for me. Thank goodness I am in a car area so my poor companion wouldn't have to listen to me complain that much about snow. However I think Hermana Reeve got a taste of it this week. Poor thing. I feel a little bit bad.

Anyways last week on Tuesday we had a very eventful day. So all day Monday we planed on how we were going to walk to a member's house that lives in the same apartment complex as the elder's so that we would have company if we got snowed in on Tuesday. So we planed it out and talked to the member and the elders and got it all worked out. Tuesday came and we woke up to a little bit of snow and then it was raining. So everything was mush. So we were like ok just to be safe we are still going through with our plans. So we walked over and we were wet. Soaking wet. Apparently my snow boots do well with snow but not rain because the water seeped into my boots. So my feet were soaking wet. Then we get there and have studies with the member. Who is super cool by the way. Her name is Jess and she is a convert of like 2 years and has her own quirky personality. Anyways we get done and we made food for the Elders and the member so the Elders came over and we chatted. Come to find out that President said we could drive but try not to as much as possible. So we walked over for studies with Jess and to talk to the Elders. Uhh just a little upset about that. Anyways the night ended up being really good because we found a couple new investigators that have some potential.

Although the rest of Tuesday was nasty weather wise. So it snowed like 2-4 inches over night. Then it rained all day long. So everything was mushy and gross. Plus it was really windy and we could have gotten blowed away to Kansas or something. The only nice part about the nasty weather was that everyone and I mean everyone was at home. Hardly anyone left their houses. Basically everyone had work canceled. So it made doing missionary work pretty easy because we just visited everyone because they were all at home. So that made that day fairly easy.

As for the rest of the week, to be honest, it was all seems as one. We had our respective meetings and visited some of the normal people. On Friday St Patrick's day we had Mega Zone which was awesome. The funniest part was at the beginning we were talking to Sister Peterson, who is the mission nurse, and they started saying a prayer to bless the food. Well, Sister Peterson didn't notice hey were praying so kept talking rather loudly, may I say, right through the beginning of the prayer. Then we told her they were praying and she got so embarrassed. Hermana Reeve and I laughed our heads off. She thanked us so many times that we told her. Oh my goodness it was funny. 

Most of Mega Zone I just pondered about my mission and how I want to make these next 5 months count. I want to live each moment as one to remember. Then after the Conference we were talking to Elder Corbett and Elder Weisler, who are the zone leaders, in our district as well we work with them to cover Brentwood. Anyways they had a baptism last week and they were asking us a question about it and Elder Corbett was like that is a decent idea. We were like sorry our ideas aren't good enough for you. He got embarrassed as well and was like I am sorry I didn't mean it like that. It was hilarious. Good times. Good times.

This week at the baptism the Elders ask that we give a little workshop on families while the family is changing. In my studies for this I found a quote that I absolutely love and I feel like is something that
is true for all families. It is in a talk called "Eternal Laws of  Happiness" by Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen in the November 1995 Ensign. It says:

"Our happiness in this life and joy in the future as eternal families depend on how well we live them."

Pretty short and to the point but I love it. If we want things in the future we have to live for them now. The eternities won't be perfect unless you are striving to be perfect. Your family won't automatically
get along in the eternities if you don't strive to be friends with you siblings today. I know this to be true. I have seen in my own life. The moment I strive to be friends and show love to my siblings,
parents, companions, friends, members and so on I have built better and stronger relationships that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I challenge each of you to think about the people around you and
find one person you can strengthen a relationship with and go and do. I know the Lord will bless you and the person you are reaching out. I love each and everyone of you and I hope y'all have a great week!

Con Amor
Hermana Ashford

Picture 1: Snow day
Picture 2: us on the snow day
Picture 3: blow drying my wet cold feet
Picture 4: we had the cleanest car award
Picture 5: Mega Zone #didntknowhowclosetoseatnexttopresident
Picture 6: recent converts got the priesthood
Picture 7: squad pic
Picture 8: late night bed picture. I look less awkward this time.

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